Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Simplify Your Life

Even in those times of frantic pacing and harried lifestyles, you know that you always have the choice to simplify and do less. It is the solution to almost every aspect of our lives.

To simplify is the answer to your financial difficulties: Shop less and spend less. Don't try to spend more than what you actually earn. Try to simplify by cutting back on your bills and decrease your debt rather than trying to handle all your bills and expenses. If necessary, have fewer credit cards, or get rid of your credit card if you have to. Eliminate your financial problems so that you will have lesser stress.

Try to do less and manage less on your agenda and you would get rid of the difficulty of trying to handle it all. Instead of figuring out how to deal with your packed schedule, strive to simplify. Decrease your commitments if you can't handle it. Decline some projects, meetings and some favors which will only eat most of your precious time.

If you want to end your storage problems, begin to simplify by minimizing clutter. When you have lesser things on your possessions, it means you need lesser storage. In the process, you will save a lot of money when it comes to maintenance and storage. When this happens, life becomes less stressful.

Simplicity requires the courage to say no to commitments, to let go unnecessary stuff, and to be different than the way we always used to do things. Consequently, you'll realize that it's all worth it; less hassles and stress and more efficiency.

Got Time To Read More Books?

Have you still got the time to read books? Do they only gather a lot of dusts and cobwebs because you don't care to open them or you simply lack the time to read?

You have to accept the fact that you can pick the ones you like to keep on reading and that you don't have to peruse everything. There may be plenty of classics and others which claim that some works are "must-read", but then again, you don't have to force yourself in trying and reading more books if you can't even get past the 10th or at least the 5th page.

What matters most is that you choose to read the books you only want to read and not just you buy a book that everyone is talking about but then you can't even manage to get on with it.

If you really want to get on reading

1) Look for genres which truly interest you. There are several of them, romance, suspense, thrillers, psychological thrillers, horror, sci-fi, fantasy, etc.

2) Search for those written by authors you already know and enjoyed their works.

3) And those whom people highly recommend you and similar books you enjoy. Of course, you have to understand that not all reading materials grab your attention right from the first page. Give yourself and the book enough time to sink in and be immersed in a subject matter or characters of the book. Don't rush and be in a hurry to grab a book if you got only a few minutes left to spare, or you have some important agenda to work on first.

Just the same with people, it takes awhile to get to know someone, like you give yourself ample time to get started with a book. But, once you're engrossed or get attached, you'll find it easy to continue reading.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Can One Person Make a Difference?

Do you know how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly? The process of change from crawling creature to graceful wonder is an excellent metaphor to reflect upon. Caterpillars become butterflies through the effort of but a handful of determined cells. Amazing, isn’t it? So, can one person make a difference?

Transforming the world seems like an impossible task at first. It’s far easier to say there’s nothing we can do, that age-old systems are way stronger, that the battle is lost even before it’s begun. When we aim for progress, we’ll lose some battles and we’ll win others. But if we’re persistent enough, we’ll attract like-minded individuals, and become powerful enough to make an impact in the world.

Would you like to start making a difference in the world today? You don’t need to solve third world hunger or jumpstart world peace overnight. In effortless ways you can show the world how it’s done.

Appreciate one person a day. You’ll be surprised how much a sincere compliment can transform another person’s day. Your little boy may be nursing a rejection from his crush, but a kind word from you may encourage him to try again. Your favorite waitress may be ready to buckle from life’s pressures, but a “thank you” may just make her hang on. Appreciation is cheap; you won’t even have to take out your wallet to give one.

Never drink and drive. Can one person make a difference by not driving when intoxicated? By being conscientious with the simple choices that we make, we can cut down the tragedies that happen to people on a daily basis and can save another person’s life and another family’s grief.

Bring a recyclable bag when you shop or get your groceries. We only have one earth, and it’s time we take care of it. So instead of adding in to the tons of plastic garbage that will take millions of years to degrade, do your bit for the environment then Mother Nature will surely be grateful.

Do you have extra clothing just gathering dust in your closet? Or perhaps you overstocked on goods and food products? Donate your excess to a homeless shelter. Give of what you can to charity. What may be clutter to you is a lifeline for others. It’s a crime to hoard when so many people are doing without.

Share a story of resilience. The world needs more people who can teach about life; something even the internet can’t teach. If you know someone in bad need of quality advice, say, a rebellious teen in your neighborhood or a co-worker in the throes of depression, take time to share what you know. Don’t worry too much about saying the right thing, if you’re sincere in your desire to help, it will come across.

Tell an enemy that you forgive them if you want to make a difference in another person’s life, do what you can to give them closure. Who knows your forgiveness may be just what they’re waiting for so that they can get on with their life.

In conclusion, can one person make a difference? Yes. Through one determined effort at a time!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Office Everday, Huh!

Let’s take a look at how the office functions today. We stroll around exchanging pleasantries with co-workers, bosses and the people we manage. We exchange thoughts, during one-on-one conversations with our co-workers. We sit in meetings of endless conversation, as we strive to understand what is being said. We filter through piles and piles of emails with conversation chains a mile long. We endure performance reviews where our boss gives us their always valuable input and assessment.

I’m getting tired of all these and I’m thinking of taking some time off. It's time for that much deserved time off; really time off and not just "playing vacation”. I need to stay unplug. This means no laptop or notebook, just my Smartphone.

BUT… Where to? How many days? When will it start? When will it end? Well, anywhere, as long as it is away from the office, far, far away from the office; outside the country, most likely! And, I’ve decided to take 2 weeks leave . Visiting my grandmother’s homeland is a fabulous idea, I supposed!

I’ve consider to travel to Balikpapan, Indonesia to spend and enjoy my time off. Even though I know I love what I do at work, I still need a break from it. If we’re stressed and close to burnout, we’re not doing anyone any good. Taking some regular time out to unplug and clear the head may do wonders for my well-being, just like a good afternoon nap after a big slice of pie.

Now, the important aspect to consider first is the travelling arrangements. But, first thing first! Get myself a passport. It makes a lot easier to think about the rest of the travel plans once the passport is ready. Next step, the airline tickets booking, then begin packing.... BON VOYAGE!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Make Them Learn To Love Nature

Some of the happiest memories of our childhood could be connected to the time we spent outdoors. Climbing trees, catching grasshoppers or crickets, chasing butterflies or plucking flowers are a few adventures kept us out of the house apart from mealtimes and bedtimes.

Children today seem to be completely disassociated with nature. Most of the time, they’re indoors watching television, playing video games or computer games. They are unaware of the wonderful surprises and joys they could experience in the outdoors, hence they’re losing out on one of the fun aspects of growing up connecting with nature.

It’s time to try and do just that. Here are some tips on how to help your child cultivate a natural and enduring love for nature.

Begin with your garden
Sit on the ground with your children and have them describe what they see… the colours, the sound, etc. Make a “sand cake”, or collect bugs to observe.

Go camping
There is no greater way to experience nature than to go camping. You can sleep in a tent or in a sleeping bag under the stars. Cook your food by campfire, and share stories with your children.

Take your kids on a tour of rural places
Like a visit to a padi fields or pineapple farms. Another visit could be to chicken farms or vegetable gardens. Besides being an interesting experience, these visits are an unforgettable way for children to see the journey of food from its source to their plates.

Go on a nature photo safari
Take your children to a park or garden and allow them to become amateur photographers, taking pictures of all their natural finds. Collect their photos and turn them into a college or slideshow which can be shown to relatives and friends.

Go to jungle trekking or visit a waterfall
Children love exploring and playing in water. Exploring our beautiful jungles and having picnics by waterfalls will definitely be enjoyed by the whole family.

Read books to your children that encourage a curiosity in nature
Take your kids to the local bookstores and help them pick out storybooks based on nature or outdoor adventures. This will cultivate a lively interest that can grow into a lifelong passion for the green world around them.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Biking Fun With Children

It is essential that your children are familiar with safety rules before riding their bikes. Let them practice in the garden or porch before cycling with them in public areas such as the park or cycling paths.

Here are some important safety tips to observe while biking with your children.

Always get your children to wear helmet to protect their head. You will be setting them a good example as well. Get a pair of elbow and knee pads for your children who are not very experienced riders.

Check to make sure that your child isn’t wearing any clothing or sporting objects that could pose a risk, like backpack with a loose strap, an untied shoelace, etc. that could get caught in the bicycle chain.

Sneakers are the best biking footwear because they can grip the pedals. Bright colours are also good since they can be easily seen by passing traffic.

Be selective where your children are riding; watch out for obstacles or things ahead like wet leaves, puddles, gravel, curbs, and changes in the road surface that can cause crashes if they aren’t prepare to avoid them.

Slow down at all corners. Tell them if they don’t take time to slow down, they might miss seeing a car. If the intersection is busy, stop and walk their bike across the street.

Keep both hands on your handlebars, unless they are doing a turn signal. This way they will always have control of their bike.

Ride on the left-hand side of the street, travelling in the same direction as the cars.

Biking is a fun and inexpensive way to spend time together as a family. So get your bicycles ready for some happy rides.

Simplify Your Life

Even in those times of frantic pacing and harried lifestyles, you know that you always have the choice to simplify and do less. It is the solution to almost every aspect of our lives.

To simplify is the answer to your financial difficulties: Shop less and spend less. Don't try to spend more than what you actually earn. Try to simplify by cutting back on your bills and decrease your debt rather than trying to handle all your bills and expenses. If necessary, have fewer credit cards, or get rid of your credit card if you have to. Eliminate your financial problems so that you will have lesser stress.

Try to do less and manage less on your agenda and you would get rid of the difficulty of trying to handle it all. Instead of figuring out how to deal with your packed schedule, strive to simplify. Decrease your commitments if you can't handle it. Decline some projects, meetings and some favors which will only eat most of your precious time.

If you want to end your storage problems, begin to simplify by minimizing clutter. When you have lesser things on your possessions, it means you need lesser storage. In the process, you will save a lot of money when it comes to maintenance and storage. When this happens, life becomes less stressful.

Simplicity requires the courage to say no to commitments, to let go unnecessary stuff, and to be different than the way we always used to do things. Consequently, you'll realize that it's all worth it; less hassles and stress and more efficiency.

Protective Mobile Applications for Your Phone

Mobile applications are perhaps the world’s most popular tidbits of software today. You can do about everything with mobile apps downloaded on your phone. From star gazing to socializing, smart phone technology has taken a simple communication medium and made it an almost invincible part of our lives. From professional tools, to gaming and recreational apps, phones carry them all. Today, there are more than 1.5 million various kinds of phone applications for mobile utility!

Internet over your phone is perhaps one of the best advancements in technology. Since the inception of 3G and 4G technology into cell phones, broadband Internet at amazing speeds for the most affordable rates have become popular. All over the world, people are depending more on their phones to surf the net than computers! This technology has perhaps gained so much momentum because of its portability.

But like computers, Internet usage always leads to invasion from viruses, Trojans and other form of malicious software into your phone. The phone’s processor and motherboard are much more delicate and sensitive than a hardy PC or laptop. Protecting your phone with mobile apps downloaded for virus protection is vital. These are the top mobile apps that protect your smart phone from all kinds of damage:

Lookout Mobile Security: This neat phone antivirus is perhaps among the most popular mobile apps downloaded to protect your phone. This software also has an inbuilt locator function that allows you to ping your mobile from the net and activate a siren. Misplace or lose your phone anywhere, and activate the siren to find it easily!

Phone Spam Blocker: This cool phone antivirus lets you block and log all spamming and annoying calls and texts. With this neat tool in your device, you can block and log each call made by maddening telemarketers and report them to authorities. Daily number updates, and smart suspicious number prediction allows you to be hassle free and save precious time!

Super Security: It is less powerful than the ‘Lookout’ software, but this amazing mobile application allows you all the functions of a good antivirus on your phone. It has malware removal, strongbox, quarantine folders, upgrades, and also a mobile locator like the ‘Lookout’!

Anti-Virus Laser: Ok, gaming combined with phone security is possibly an expected development of smart phone technology! Perhaps one of the most innovative mobile apps downloaded to you phone for non recreational purposes, the Anti-Virus Laser is fun as well! Just guide a laser of the matching color to destroy viruses represented by colored sparks! Cool, innovative, and efficient, the free version itself has 10 levels of protection!

AntiVirus Free: A basic phone security system from the Android OS developers, this software cleans your phone off all malwares, spam messages, suspicious files, and problematic folders efficiently! It’s smart, it’s powerful, and it’s free – moreover, with Android, you can expect regular upgrades.

These mobile apps downloaded on your phone protects you device from the constant threat of malicious attacks from viruses. Some viruses are powerful enough to disable your phone completely! Ensure you device’s performance and security by downloading mobile applications like these top stars.

The Most Wonderful Day!

Today is the most wonderful day of our life. We live, drink, dine, walk, talk, work and play today; it’s a wonderful day isn’t it?

Living today is not enough without making it a wonderful day for us. In order to make your today a wonderful day, get up from the bed early in the morning. While brushing your teeth, brush away the unfounded fears about today. Look in the mirror and say, “It’s a wonderful day”.

Go for a morning walk. Look what you were missing in your life; the chattering of birds, the smile of flowers and the fresh morning breeze gently touching your body. What a wonderful day!

After oxygenating your body in the open air, refresh yourself by taking a hot water shower. While shaving your beard, shave away the weeds of fear, self-pity and helplessness and let grow an imaginative beard of faith, courage and confidence. Now look in the mirror with your newly grown beard. Smile, because “it’s a wonderful day”.

Don’t forget to eat a nourishing breakfast. Your body needs energizing food to maintain a good posture and a positive attitude. Don’t switch on the TV in the morning. Let the “dear devil” sleep. The TV people like to show “breaking news” and you know any “bad news” is a “breaking news” for them. Don’t allow the TV to take away your smile and push you in the negative territory. Instead, play your favorite music and sing “it’s a wonderful day”.

Reaching your job place a few minutes before the start of work gives you the positive feeling of being ahead of others. Shake hands with your co-workers, smile and say “good morning and wish you a wonderful day”. Enjoy your work. Be proud of your work. During the day whenever you feel depressed just say the magical words “it’s a wonderful day” and see how the depression melts away.

The only living day is today and it’s a wonderful day for the person who knows the dignity and honor of today. Make every effort to make today a wonderful day.